Asian Leadership Barriers

ExecCatalyst Presents: Monthly Chinese Leadership Training Series

Chinese technology professionals lag behind their Indian and US colleagues in Silicon Valley. While they excel as expert workers in their fields (engineers, product/project managers, financial analysts, etc.), they are not identified as natural leaders—pigeon holed in senior staff roles and not advancing up the management and executive ranks. Are you:

  • viewed as a technical expert yet not getting you where you want to be?
  • confused about how to survive, move ahead and even prosper in this “foreign” environment
  • doing well (top performance reviews ratings), but not getting promoted up the management ranks?

Come to ExecCatalyst’s Monthly Chinese Leadership Training Series to learn from proven high-tech executive coaches about the deeply rooted cultural biases that prevent career advancement and promotion in Silicon Valley companies. These 3 hour monthly evening events will provide you with keys to understand and action steps to break through your individual career barriers:

  • Gain insights about your professional and personal behaviors from over 30 years of global research and data about Chinese norms.
  • Compare these biases with those who are successful in Silicon Valley companies.
  • Identify what changes and actions you need to “unlearn.”
  • Move from feeling “isolated” to “empowered” with others who are wrestling with similar career challenges.